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Query: What if an applicant for allotment of Director Identification Number (DIN) has been identified as a potential duplicate in SPICe form for incorporation of company

Category: Corporate Law

Answer: If SPICe form is filed containing details of a DIN applicant who has been identified as a potential duplicate following message shall be displayed along with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ options- “The system has identified applicant(s) as potential duplicate because the contents are matching with an already filed DIN application form. Please ensure that no DIN has already been allotted to the applicant. If you still wish to continue say ‘Yes’. Please note that DIN application shall be approved only after due verification by MCA “. If the user selects ‘No’, then the filing of eForm shall not be allowed.

Date Posted 13-Dec-2019
Posted By Divya Sharma
Views: 85

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