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Query: Service Provide to a Foreign Company - Export / Zero Rated Supply or not ?

Category: GST

Answer: One service provider in india is providing service to foreign company outside India. This is covered as export of services as zero rated supply. Now if this service provider is visiting that foreign country and provide services there. Is this also export of services as zero rated supply or any different treatment?

Date Posted 18-Oct-2019
Posted By Parveen Gupta
Views: 544

Phaneendra Malla On 29-Oct-2019
Zero rated supplies is a wider term when compared to Export of Services. Any Services provided by or to SEZ is also considered as Zero rated supplies in GST. GST Invoice rules, Refund rules are same for both Export and SEZ Services
Admin On 27-Nov-2019
what I can understand from your query is that you want to understand the difference...... if the services are provided outside India by sitting in India or by going abroad at the place of client. In my view no difference..... because place of supply is the place of your registration address and you are rgistered in India, the services provided by you by visiting abroad shall also be covered as Export of Services.

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