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Query: Applicability of Limit for registration in GST - for more than one proprietorship firms

Category: GST

Answer: If we are running 3-4 proprietor ship firms, doing different business, then limit of GST registration shall be applicable on turnover of each firm individually or on total turnover of all the firms combined to calculate the limit of Rs. 20 lakh / 40 lakh. And as now limit for registration under GST is Rs. 20 lakh for services and Rs. 40 lakh for trading, if out of above one firm is providing services and other firms are doing trading, then the limit of Rs. 20 lakh shall be applicable for all or Rs. 40 lakh ?

Date Posted 07-Aug-2019
Posted By P K Gupta
Views: 422

Divya Sharma On 08-Aug-2019
Now in GST limit of turnover for registration is Rs. 20 lakh in case of Services and Rs. 40 Lakh ( in case of special category Rs. 20 Lakh) in case of Trading. In my view for a proprietor turnover of all the firm shall be seen in totality for calculating the limit of Rs. 20 Lakh or Rs. 40 Lakh. And if the registered dealer is doing both.. i.e. Trading and providing services then the limit of Rs. 20 lakh shall apply on him.

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