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CP Plus 360° 1080P 2MP Ezykam WiFi Security Camera

Category:Learning Resourses

highlights: 1080p full HD Plug & Play Wi-Fi camera, which enables crisp images that reveal smallest details with clarity

Desc: 2-way talkback (View n Talk): Talk to the person on the other side while you see, and stay connected round the clock Intelligent Motion Alert: When armed, the inbuilt motion alarm in the EzyKam intimates you instantly on your smartphone in case of an intrusion in a restricted area Cloud-based Remote Control: Watching recorded footage from anywhere, anytime is just a click away with CP PLUS InstaCloud. Other features which are supported remotely are; Pan/Tilt control, zoom in/out, recording playback etc. Upto 128GB SD Card supported

Date Posted: 27-Jul-2019
Source: Amazon
Posted By: Parveen Gupta
Views: 2366
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