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Lawyer Required in CA Firm

Company: GVAP & Associates
Location: Ghaziabad

Required Skills: Candidate should have cleared final exam of LLB or is appearing for the final exam of LLB. Person should be hands-on on Excel, Word and Business Communication (both verbal and written)
Required Exp: 0 to 2 years
Address: Office No. 404, 410 & 411, 4th Floor, Devika Tower, Chander Nagar, Ghaziabad – 201011
Category: Others

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Name: CA Vikas Gupta
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Freshers can also apply and are welcome. Candidates will be trained (both Class Room as well as on job training) on all basic concepts and practical aspects of l drafting, filing of cases, responding to Notices, NCLT, Appellate and Tribunal level hearing and appearances. Excellent work exposure and working environment assured. Compensation: Candidate will be paid a Stipend of Rs. 10,000/- per month during initial training period of 6 Months and post completion of Training, Candidate will be absorbed in the organisation at a minimum compensation of Rs. 15,000/- per month

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Date Posted:25-Oct-2019
Posted By: Admin
Views 4556

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Lawyer Required in CA Firm