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Vacancy For Article Assistant in M/S Nathani & Co ,Nagpada(Mumbai)

Company: M/s NATHANI & CO
Location: Mumbai

Required Skills: Ipcc, Article Assistant
Required Exp:
Address: Shop No 82, 1st Floor, Kedy Shopping CHS Ltd, 233/234 Belasis Road,Mumbai Pincode: 400008
Category: Article Training Vacancy

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Name: Mobile Number : 9967211167

Nathani & Co, Chartered Accountants is a medium size firm practising in the field of Statutory Audits, Tax Audits, Direct and Idirect Taxation etc. The article assistants would get good exposure in the following fields : a) Direct and Indirect Taxation (GST, Professional Tax etc) including departmental exposure. b) Statutory Audit, Tax Audit and GST Audit. c) GST return filing, TDS return filing, Profession Tax return filing etc. d) Income Tax scrutiny assessments, Income Tax Appeals, GST Assessments etc. Stipend will be as per industry standards.

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Date Posted:07-Sep-2019
Posted By: kumar shubham
Views 3744

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Vacancy For Article Assistant in M/S Nathani & Co ,Nagpada(Mumbai)