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Query: Blocking of eway bill (EWB) generation facility at EWB portal

Category: GST

Answer: If any taxpayer has not filed GSTR 3B return for two consecutive tax periods, then his eway bill (EWB) generation facility on EWB Portal shall be blocked. This is effective from 02nd Dec. 2019. And if EWB generation facility is blocked, eway bill can’t be generated either by the taxpayer himself or by their counterparty (whether as supplier (from whom they purchase) or recipient (to whom the sale)) or the transporter. For example if any taxpayer has not filed his GSTR-3B return for the two consecutive months / periods (November, 2019 and for December, 2019), then he and his counterparty (for the transaction related with him) will not be able to generate eway bill (EWB) from January, 2020

Date Posted 28-Dec-2019
Posted By Divya Sharma
Views: 866

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