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Vacancy For Assistant Manager - Finance With BorgWarner At Gurgaon

Company: BorgWarner
Location: Gurgaon

Required Skills: Assistant Manager - Finance
Required Exp: Fresher
Address: Gurgaon
Category: MBA Jobs

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• Responsible for governance, compliance, advisory and reporting requirements for the Legal Entity’s tax framework.
• Gaining a deep, end-to-end understanding of various subsidiaries and projects from direct & indirect taxation, transfer pricing and structuring perspective.
• Work closely with tax consultants and finance team in subsidiaries & projects to ensure all direct & indirect tax exposures are identified.
• Ensure timely filling and payment of corporate tax, indirect taxes, employee taxes and any other taxes applicable
• Ensuring that the Company Tax Strategy and Framework provides a consistent and effective approach to manage Organization tax and structuring related activities and that all identified tax risks are managed in an efficient and transparent manner.
Audit/Corporate Accounting
• Manage significant audits and consolidation of statutory accounts for the legal entity
• Collaborating with all the BUs for consolidation of books as per Indian GAAP
• Leading corporate accounting activities
• Directly manage payment operations team and work collaboratively with the corporate treasury team across various projects to prevent fraud
• Lead operational improvement projects, creating policies and procedures for payment operations
• Develop annual budget to ensure adequate funding for capital investments and operational overhead as well as manage debt obligations
• Manage investment portfolio and prepare financial reports





  • Responsible for governance, compliance, advisory and reporting requirements for the Legal Entity’s tax framework.
  • Gaining a deep, end-to-end understanding of various subsidiaries and projects from direct & indirect taxation, transfer pricing and structuring perspective.
  • Work closely with tax consultants and finance team in subsidiaries & projects to ensure all direct & indirect tax exposures are identified.
  • Ensure timely filling and payment of corporate tax, indirect taxes, employee taxes and any other taxes applicable
  • Ensuring that the Company Tax Strategy and Framework provides a consistent and effective approach to manage Organization tax and structuring related activities and that all identified tax risks are managed in an efficient and transparent manner.

Audit/Corporate Accounting

  • Manage significant audits and consolidation of statutory accounts for the legal entity
  • Collaborating with all the BUs for consolidation of books as per Indian GAAP
  • Leading corporate accounting activities


  • Directly manage payment operations team and work collaboratively with the corporate treasury team across various projects to prevent fraud
  • Lead operational improvement projects, creating policies and procedures for payment operations
  • Develop annual budget to ensure adequate funding for capital investments and operational overhead as well as manage debt obligations
  • Manage investment portfolio and prepare financial reports

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Date Posted:08-Feb-2021
Posted By: Abhinash kumar jha
Views 2695

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Vacancy For Assistant Manager - Finance With BorgWarner At Gurgaon