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Query: If once the eway bill generation facility is blocked then how that can be unblocked

Category: GST

Answer: GST system will update the list on return non-filer every next day and the same updated list shall be provided to EWB portal. And based upon this updated list from GSTINs, the eway bill generation facility will be unblocked, if the returns are filed. Otherwise, the taxpayer can update their return filing status by login at EWB portal. After this update EWB portal will update the return filing status of taxpayer from the GST system and unblock the eway bill generation facility if taxpayer is not a defaulter in non-filing of two or more GSTR 3B returns. The taxpayers whose EWB generation is blocked can also approach jurisdictional tax officials, for unblocking of their EWB generation facility. The tax officials will issue orders on GST Portal, for accepting or rejecting such manual request of the taxpayers.

Date Posted 28-Dec-2019
Posted By Divya Sharma
Views: 809

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