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Query: I am from CS Background want to learn GST & ITR

Category: Career

Answer: I am a semi qualified CS, want to learn GST & ITR related works, how should I proceed ?

Date Posted 10-Aug-2019
Posted By Praveen Sharma
Views: 998

Admin On 10-Aug-2019
If you want to learn GST and ITR practical, join some CA firm as a part time work. GST and ITR both operates in softwares. When you will actually work in a firm, you will get exposure of data and software, then only you can learn the concepts and filing systems, the calculation base etc. Being a CS student, you can not much understand ITR and GST work just in theoretical learning.
Praveen Sharma On 10-Aug-2019
Why CA underestimate CS.
Admin On 10-Aug-2019
It's not about underestimating, both have different specialization, CA are not very good at Corporate Compliance, RBI and FEMA matters.

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