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Dr Mohit Bansal Family Doctors- Orthopedic Doctor in Zirakpur | Bone & Joint Specialist | Knee Repl

  • Contact Person: Dr Mohit Bansal Family Doctors- Orthopedic Doctor in Zirakpur | Bone & Joint Specialist | Knee Replacement Surgery
  • City: Punjab - other / SCO 8-9, FF, Eminence Plaza, Singhpura Zirakpur
  • Speciality: Other professional / Others
  • Listed On: 13-Jul-2022
  • Views: 129
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Dr Mohit Bansal is a practising Orthopaedic Surgeon and Joint Replacement Specialist in Zirakpur.
Though learning never ends, he has adequate exposure and expertise in management of Trauma and Arthroplasty. He has worked in various Govt, charitable and private institutions of repute, along with experience in ESI and ECHS.
He is a Graduate from DMCH, Ludhiana and Post Graduate from GMCH, Amritsar. He did a Fellowship in Trauma and Arthroplasty from Hong Kong; and Fellowship in Arthroscopy from Pune. He is proficient in Knee and hip replacement surgeries. His patients compliment his personal attention to care after surgery. In office, he is efficiently managing Orthopaedic Rheumatological Disorders with a very high success rate. He is also managing fractures in adults and kids, Sports & Ligament Injuries, cervical spondylitis and sciatica along with treating elbow and feet pain, Spine & Joint problems and arthritis and gout.