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Dr. Pallavi Bansal - Family Doctors Clinic - Dentist in Zirakpur VIP Road | Dental Implants

  • Contact Person: Dr. Pallavi Bansal - Family Doctors Clinic - Dentist in Zirakpur VIP Road | Dental Implants
  • City: Punjab - other / SCF 16, Lower Ground Floor, Block A High Street VIP Road Zirakpur, Punjab
  • Speciality: Other professional / Others
  • Listed On: 13-Jul-2022
  • Views: 156
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If you are looking for best dental clinic in Zirakpur, then you are on the right place. Family Doctors Zirakpur is a top player in the category of Dentist. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Zirakpur.


FAMILY DOCTORS Clinics, estd 2017, house multiple specialties and are situated on VIP Road and Singhpura Road in Zirakpur. Orthopaedics, Dental, Homeopathy and Physiotherapy are the main medical branches at the clinic.
Dr. Pallavi Bansal, MDS, heads the dental department. All general and specialized dental procedures are undertaken at the clinic and are carried out by skilled, specialized professionals and trained, compassionate staff. Procedures routinely performed include Dental Implants, Fixed and invisible Orthodontics, Crowns and Bridges, Dentures, Teeth whitening, Cosmetic dental corrections, Root canal treatments, Painless extraction, Pediatric dentistry and smile redesigning.
The clinic boasts of a strong, loyal clientele and a clean, hygienic practice.