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  • Contact Person: Catherine zhang
  • City: Mumbai / No.674, Group 3, Lalu Community, Xuexin Village Street, Chengguan District, Lhasa, Tibet, China
  • Speciality: Recruitment Agencies / Others Recruitment Services
  • Listed On: 12-Apr-2021
  • Exp 12 years
  • Views: 353
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4 days Lhasa City Essential Group Tour is a short Tibet tour, which is suitable for those who have limited time but still want to have a high-quality travel experience. Despite being a very popular destination for travelers, you will have the local Tibetan English speaking guide to take you through the best part of the holy city Lhasa and get the most out of every minute to appreciate its prominent historical architects of Potala Palace, mystical Jokhang temple, sprawling Sera and Drepung monastery.