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IBM Data Science Professional Certificate

  • Contact Person: skillup Online
  • City: / 1st Floor, A – 60, Sector 2, Noida,Uttar Pradesh – 201301
  • Speciality: Online Classes / ,Other
  • Listed On: 21-Sep-2021
  • Exp 20 years
  • Views: 319
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The IBM Data Science Professional Certificate helps the learners in understanding the fundamentals of data science, the role of the data scientist, and the approaches they use to solve real-world challenges. You will grow familiar with popular data science tools, including Jupyter notebooks, RStudio IDE, and IBM Cloud. And you will become skilled in using data science methodology to build, test, and train data models.

Additionally, you will learn how to work with Python, and become proficient in various Python libraries such as pandas, NumPy and BeautifulSoup. In addition to it, you will develop a project in Python to test and demonstrate your knowledge. Other skills you learn during the course will also enable you to design data science models and AI applications.

Enroll Now. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate