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Loan at home

  • Contact Person: gopu kumar
  • City: / kosamattam building kottayam
  • Speciality: Select Sub Category /
  • Listed On: 12-Nov-2020
  • Exp 12 years
  • Views: 5747
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Kosamattam finance has been respected for more than 150 years for its adherence to strong values and loyalty towards its customers. With this expertise in the gold loan sector Kosamattam is known for trust, quality, business leadership, high ethical standards and respect for all its customers. We strive to improve continuously and provide the best gold loan at home services to our customers. Anchored in values and strong ethics, Kosamattam Group is building businesses that will achieve growth through excellence and innovation while balancing the interests of its customers, employees and civil society.We provide services gold loan at home.