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Statesman Academy Chandigarh

  • Contact Person: Sudhir Kumar
  • City: Chandigarh / SCO: 55, Above OBC Bank, Near Mukut Hospital, Chandigarh, 160034
  • Speciality: Physical Classes / Other
  • Listed On: 21-Apr-2022
  • Exp 20 years
  • Views: 234
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Statesman Academy Chandigarh has been a relevant support to the candidates in their efforts towards a successful career. The staff consists of erudite faculty members, who impart a full-fledged training program on every subject matter concerned. Their specific teaching pattern and exclusive dealings of students let them build an efficient liaison with students to make them comfortable with the entire coaching program. The CSIR UGC NET Exam syllabus is covered in an apt manner, leaving the students free of doubts and queries. Also, the study material provided is that of superior quality. It contains all relevant knowledge to let you gain proficiency on your subject matters.