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Valiente Senior Living

  • Contact Person: Valiente Senior Living
  • City: others / 33417 Pinehurst Loop, Magnolia, Texas, Texas
  • Speciality: Other professional / Others
  • Listed On: 12-Sep-2022
  • Views: 77
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Memory Care is a very specific kind of long-term care for people living with Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of cognizance conditions. Memory care facilities are often part of a larger senior living community, but can be stand alone facilities as well. You can expect to have round the clock care for your loved one at a memory care magnolia facility, including help with medication, multiple daily meals, housekeeping and laundry services, exercise and physical therapy services, and a variety of social activities and programs. For someone living with a degenerative disease affecting memory and recollection skills, a memory care facility can offer a safe, controlled environment that will help your loved one avoid dangerous situations such as wandering off, getting lost, or forgetting important medications; all while offering a community full of companions and activities at the same time.